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Perform mold remediation.

Over time, moisture problems with the interior and exterior of buildings can severely erode the building structure and also lead to serious occupant health problems or building-related illness. Have a professional identify common indoor air-quality and safety concerns in homes to prevent or get rid of mold. Repair all moisture problems identified during the assessment (e.g., plumbing leaks, foundation leaks and rain leaks around windows) to avoid mold.
What You Need to Do
1Engage a vendor specializing in home energy retrofits to identify common indoor air quality and safety concerns in homes.
2It is very important to repair all moisture problems identified during the assessment (e.g., plumbing leaks, rain leaks including leaks around windows and flashing, and foundation leaks).
Frequently Asked Questions
If I complete this measure, can I track my savings over time?If you mark an item on your plan as completed, we will track your estimated energy use and savings over time. We can use this to find additional savings options.