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Energy Tip Details
Older ducts are typically both not insulated and leaky. As a result, large amounts of warmth and/or coolness that your heating and/or cooling systems have worked on escapes before it gets into your home. By replacing your ducts with modern performance systems this loss can be greatly reduced, and the air you have paid so much to have heated and/or cooled will then be retained for use.
What You Need to Do
  • 1
    First, it is advisable to have your ducts inspected by an HVAC vendor that specializes in energy efficiency.
  • 2
    Should your air loss be approximately as stated or more, you should have your duct system replaced by a qualified HVAC specialist.
Frequently Asked Questions
  • If I complete this measure, can I track my savings over time?
    If you mark an item on your plan as completed, we will track your estimated energy use and savings over time. We can use this to find additional savings options.
  • Why should I ask my contractor about the most energy efficient products?
    Energy efficient products usually have lower operating costs and frequently qualify for rebates.
  • How can energy upgrades improve the comfort and health of my home?
    No matter how efficient your heating and cooling equipment is, if your home is not properly sealed and insulated, you may not be as comfortable as you could be, and your heating and cooling systems will have to work harder. Additionally, if you have leaky or poorly insulated ductwork, your home might have humidity problems, excessive dust, or rooms that are never quite comfortable. Improving the building shell and sealing ducts can generally improve your home.
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